Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Rain in the city of Light

So I moved to Paris, the city of light! Yeah whatever, I can´t reach the electricity people and without the electricity bill you can´t get a bank account, and without a bank account you can´t get a phone and without a phone you can´t get a job and without a job I can´t pay the electricity bill when it finally arrives!
Well anyway I´m really happy! Paris is rainy and cold so I´m cooking a soup now,
a plus Josephine


  1. So nice that you live in Paris now!! And what a nice season to move there, with X-mas coming up! Did you move in order to study?

    Love, Danae

  2. I would love to live in Paris. Cool blog, check out mine:

  3. You are so lucky!

    Lovely blog!
